爱达荷大学University of Idaho是一所历史悠久的公立大学,校园占地800英亩。学校主校园位于西部腹地中心,当地有富饶的美国土著文化遗产,自然风景优美,有湖泊、河流及一座国家森林公园
爱达荷大学University of Idaho于1902年开始招收研究生专业,现有九个研究生院,24个博士学位,同时本科有154个专业。该校工程学院尤其突出,在过去的14年中,工程学院学生在全美基础理论考试的通过率是94%-100%。迄今已有76251名学生获得硕士学位。爱达荷大学坚持最好的教育形式,并且费用较其它大学适中。学校距离华盛顿州立大学很近,仅8公里。学生可以自由在两个学院选修课程。
Graduate Program
Research Opportunities:
u studies of the genetic/metabolic engineering of microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria, for bio-preservation of food products
u conversion of biomass, such as potato processing waste, to valuable fuels and chemicals
u development of new processes and technologies to improve the microbial safety of foods
u investigations into mechanism(s) of action of food borne anti-toxicants that may improve human health or reduce chronic human disease
u investigation of soft wheat and potato quality, functionality, and end-use potential
u assessment of starch behavior and function in food processing operations
u utilization of novel protein and starch ingredients in food systems