莱斯大学建于1912年,一向以工程系而著称。莱斯大学曾与其它两所,北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学、维吉尼亚州的维吉尼亚大学齐名,号称为南方哈佛。莱斯大学多年来以工程、管理、科学、艺术、人类学闻名,以高水平的教学态度、低廉的学费,吸引了不少家庭经济条件不是很好的学子前来求学,并且提供了213个体育项目方面的奖学金,并有保障60个名额给女性同胞们,可谓是价廉物美,物超所值的一所好大学。莱斯大学采用小班制教学,校园不大,确是美丽、和谐的,师生之间的互动良好,充满活力,其优秀的学术水 准,在全美大学排行榜时常可见,在众多的科系当中,物理、英语、历史、考古学非常受学生们欢迎,工程、医学预科的录取率极低,竞争激烈。
The corresponding courses at Rice include the following:
Bioc 301 Biochemistry
Bioc 341 Cell Biology
Bioc 344 Molecular Biology and Genetics
Bioc 352 Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences
All Ph.D. students are required to take the following graduate courses:
Bioc 575 Introduction to Research
Bioc 581, 582 Graduate Research Seminars
Bioc 583 Molecular Interactions
Bioc 587 Research Design, Proposal Writing, and Professional Development
Bioc 594 Responsible Conduct of Research
Bioc 599 Graduate Teaching in BCB (2 semesters in year 2)
Bioc 701,702 Graduate Lab Research (laboratory rotations in first year)
Ph.D. students must also take two units of the following advanced courses:
Bioc 525 Plant Molecular Genetics (1 unit)
Bioc 530, 535 Graduate Laboratory Modules in Molecular Biophysics (1/2 unit each)
Bioc 540 Metabolic Engineering (1 unit)
Bioc 544 Developmental Biology (1 unit)
Bioc 545 Advanced Molecular Biology and Genetics (1 unit)
Bioc 550 Virology (1 unit)
Bioc 551 Molecular Biophysics I (1 unit)
Bioc 560 Cancer Biology (1 unit)
Bioc 580 Protein Engineering (1 unit)