密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)是一所位于美国密歇根州东兰辛市的公立大学。密歇根州立大学成立于1855年,是美国第一所依据土地拨赠法案而成立的大学。作为一所顶尖的公立研究型大学,密歇根州立大学以教育和农业和通讯理论闻名,同时也是包装与音乐治疗研究的先锋,被誉为“公立常春藤”大学之一。根据上海交通大学和美国新闻与世界报道统计,密歇根州立大学世界大学学术排名前一百位,2012年全美大学排名第七十一。
Advanced Degree Programs and Specializations (与生物学相关)
How to Apply:Follow these steps to apply
Ø Visit the department and program websites for the options offered by MSU. Be sure to consider departments and programs that may relate to your interests. Examine the various degree options available and explore the research interests of the faculty.
Ø Contact the department(s) of interest. Faculty will help you make the most-informed decision, so ask plenty of questions.
Ø Review the departmental material including the specific steps for application. This varies based on the program and department, so review the information closely.
Ø Begin the online application process at the MSU Graduate School. This system allows you to save your information as you collect all the necessary materials.