学校地址:1410 Q St Lincoln, NE 68588-0417
所在州: 内布拉斯加州
内布拉斯加大学林肯分校University of Nebraska Lincoln (简称UNL)成立于1869年,是内布拉斯加大学成立最早的分校,也是该州的学术文化中心。学术方面,最好的学科包括电机工程、化学工程、师范教育,新闻学,保险学,气候学、音乐学等。此外,食品科技、农科、动物科学和商科都获得好评。学生选修最多的学科,依次是商科管理(22%)、教育(17%)、工程(10%)、农科(8%)、家政(7%)。前一两年有8,420人投考,录取率高达84%。内布拉斯加大学林肯分校University of Nebraska Lincoln是美国西部第一所能够授予博士学位的研究机构,并创建了世界上第一个本科心理学实验室。据《耶鲁大学日报大学指南》指出,大学是名副其实的“足球王国”,意思是这里的学生都对体育有特殊爱好。
内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的 食品科学与技术系(Department of Food Science and Technology program)是美国最优秀、最严谨的食品科学专业之一。其研究项目包括food allergens, genomics and molecular microbiology, nutraceuticals, metabolomics and analytical chemistry, cereal technology, and bioprocess engineering,是世界公认的优秀课程。
UNL食品与科学技术系的学生在毕业时有些去USDA and FDA继续做研究,有些在ConAgra, General Mills等其他大型食品公司开始工作。其他的则继续自己的学术研究、进一步进行博士学位的深造或者在Texas A & M, Harvard, the University of Washington, and North Carolina State University等知名院校开始教学工作。
It is our hope that your experiences at UNL and in our department will meet your educational and professional goals. Our Department's past successes have occurred as a result of the hard work performed by the many excellent students that have graduated from our program. Future success, however, depends on you. The more you put into your graduate work, the more you will gain. You will be the benefactor in your preparation for a professional career. Please let us know how we can help you succeed.
Graduate Program Admission Requirements:
Ø Unofficial Transcripts:
Ø Official Transcripts: listing courses completed and marks earned, as well as degrees conferred. 由院系直接寄出,电子版和纸质的都可以
Ø Official GRE Scores:The verbal score should be 350 with a combined verbal and quantitative score of 1100
Ø Official TOEFL Scores—Minimum score requirements for Food Science: 577 (paper), 233 (computer), 90 (internet) and IELT 6.5.
Ø 具有本科或同等学历
Ø Application Processing Fee:$ 50
GRADUATE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: http://foodsci.unl.edu/web/foodsci/gradcourses