
摘要:路易斯安那州立大学对申请人的TOEFL 和 GRE 有着严格得要求。申请人在申请时一定要选好与自己兴趣相匹配的、并有相关导师进行课题研究的领域。如果,想要申请奖学金的话,越早提交申请越好。


路易斯安那州立大学Louisiana State University(LSU)由八所成员大学组成,最著名的就是1860年成立、位于巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)市的这一所。单以学生人数计算,它是全美第51名的大学。大学最佳的学科是化学及石油工程,其他优秀的学科还有化学、物理、建筑、新闻学,风景建筑和商科,此外,海岸研究、海岸生态学、地理、人类学和历史都获好评。学生修读最多的学科依次是:商科管理(19%)、教育(10%)、社会科学(10%)心理学(7%)。据《纽约时报大学指南》指出,这里的读书风气可以用两个英文字来形容“casual and relaxed”。尽管校方近年提高了入学水平,仍然不太难考取,前一两年有6,950人投考,录取率高达88%
路易斯安那州立大学Louisiana State University(LSU)的体育设备极佳,单是达到奥运标准的泳池便有四个之多,学生最疯狂的球类活动便是足球。足球比赛日,所有道路都改为单程进入球场,球赛结束时刚刚相反!学生给大学一个雅号“爱好体育人士的天空(sportsmans paradise)
路易斯安那州立大学对申请人的TOEFL GRE 有着严格得要求。申请人在申请时一定要选好与自己兴趣相匹配的、并有相关导师进行课题研究的领域。如果,想要申请奖学金的话,越早提交申请越好。
Ø         TOEFL: Minimum test score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based)
Ø         GRE: 150 on the verbal test and 150 on the quantitative test
Ø         A cumulative undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 on 4.0 scale or 80 on a 100 point scale.
Ø         One official transcript from EACH college or university attended
Ø         GRE
Ø         TOEFL
Ø         3封推荐信
Ø         A statement of purpose or interest in a specific area of food science
Deadlines & fees for processing degree-seeking applications are as follows:

Fee Deadline
Fee if Paid After Deadline
Fall Semester
U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens
May 15
Nonimmigrant Applications
May 15
Nondegree Applications
Priority Date (for financial assistance)**
January 1
Spring Semester
U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens
October 15
Nonimmigrant Applications
October 15
Nondegree Applications
Summer Term
U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens
May 15
Nonimmigrant Applications
May 15
Nondegree Applications
*International applications received after the deadline will be processed automatically for the following semester or summer term.
**No late fees are associated with the January 1 priority date for full consideration for assistantships and fellowships.

1. Courses
The LSU Graduate School requires 30 hours of course credit, 6 of which may be thesis credit, for an M.S. degree. Half or more of the courses must be at the 7000 level. Students must demonstrate competency in core areas of food science, including food chemistry, food preservation, food composition and analysis, and food microbiology. Competency may be demonstrated through previous course credit in one or more of these areas or through a comprehensive examination given by the instructor in this area.
Core competency or elective courses (4000 or 7000 level) 15 hours
FDSC 7071 (Seminar in Food Science) 2 hours
EXST 7004 (Experimental Statistics I or another statistical course) 4 hours
FDSC 8000 (Thesis Research) 6 hours
Electives (7000 level) 3 hours
Total course credits for graduation 30 hours
2. Research
Students must submit an oral and written research proposal to the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee must be chosen and approved by the Department Head and Graduate Coordinator within one year of enrollment into the graduate program. The first graduate seminar for credit should be an oral presentation that gives an introduction and brief literature review on the proposed research area and an outline of the proposed research to be conducted for the M.S.
Students must have submitted 1 manuscript to a scientific journal and presented their research at 1 national meeting before graduation.
1. Courses
Ph.D. students must complete 60 hours of course credit, 9 of which may be thesis credit. Half or more of the courses must be at the 7000 level. Students must demonstrate competency in core areas of food science, including food chemistry, food preservation, food composition and analysis, and food microbiology, and the courses required for M.S. students.
Core competencies, required courses, and elective courses for M.S. students) 30 hours
FDSC 7071 (Seminar in Food Science) 3 hours
FDSC 9000 (Dissertation Research) 9 hours
Electives (7000 level) 18 hours
Total course credits for graduation 60 hours
2. Research
Students must submit an oral and written research proposal to the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee and Program of Study that lists the proposed coursework must be approved by the Department Head, Graduate Coordinator, and Graduate School by the end of the second semester of enrollment into the Ph.D. program. The first graduate seminar for credit should be an oral presentation that gives an introduction and brief literature review on the proposed research area and an outline of the proposed research to be conducted for the M.S.
Students must have 1 manuscript accepted for publication by a scientific journal, submitted an additional manuscript to a scientific journal, and presented their research at 2 national meetings before graduation.
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