TOEFL iBT 111--两周备考经验谈
短期和长期的MBA Career goal:改革中国的大学教育,让大学教育从重视学习知识变为注重人性的关怀与培养,并提供自由的空间和有益的指导来帮助学生们培养独立思考能力和追逐属于自己梦想的勇气。
- 学历和成绩:北大理科本+硕,男,GMAT 760(考了2次),TOEFL 111(考了1次)
- 工作经历:五年,其中外资top商业银行管理培训生4年(operations, personal banking, public relations),政府1年。
- 申请情况:Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, Michigan, UCLA
- 面试:Yale, UCLA, Michigan, Berkeley
- 录取:Michigan
以我个人为例,我从2010年7月份到现在已经准备入学手续了还仍然在研究申请,其他人都很不解,但是我的确喜欢上了这个探索自我的过程,同时也很能感觉出来不同阶段中申请压力对于自己的影响。在第一轮我就是那种非MBA不可的心态,而当面试完Yale和UCLA都被拒后开始灰心丧气觉得我的理想可能不适合读MBA。当然我还是鼓起勇气坚持了自己的理想,在第二轮前,我先是花了两个月静下心来停止写文章用来做自我探索,然后把绝大部分时间用来写Stanford,一度认为我只需要申请这一个学校,申请不上就不读MBA了,因为觉得也就Stanford还有Michigan最适合我办大学的职业目标。可惜后来实在没有写出自己能够认可的Stanford文章,因此没有交,也错过了很多学校,但是这种坚持和认识很好的体现在了我Michigan和Berkeley的文章中。等到今年2、3月份又是一轮面试,我还在通过写第三轮的个别学校来不断反思自己why MBA, why my career goal。写第三轮时心情已经很轻松了,一来第三轮录取可能性不大,二来适合我的职业理想的学校太少,我必须把why MBA, why my career goal想得特别清楚。事实证明在第三轮的心态放松时的自我探索是帮助我拿到第二轮录取的关键。我的职业理想属于非典型MBA,在面试中我必须很清楚。
不过我还是决定以身试法了……第一轮非常忐忑的交了Yale和UCLA,短期和长期career goal都是围绕大学教育展开的,而且那个时候career goal思考得还不成熟,写出来的材料表达效果也不好,没想到还都拿了面试。虽然因为career goal没想明白再加上面试技巧太差,Yale被waitlist,UCLA被拒,但还是为自己证明了一点:没有必要为了MBA而改变自己的想法,或者为了MBA而想一个听起来安全的career goal。如果你真的对一个career goal有想法,绝不会到了申请才开始觉悟,而应该早有相应的行动,可以写进申请材料,否则那就先用一两年采取行动再来申请MBA吧。
于是,到了申请的第二轮我告诉自己MBA不是终点,也不是必经之路。我就是想做教育,如果没有商学院录取我那就说明MBA不适合我的理想,不去也罢。当然研究之后我还是发现Stanford还有Michigan是最适合我办大学的职业目标的。我记得特别清楚的是我在面试完Michigan的校友后,问了她一句,我说自己的想法可能很不主流甚至天马行空得不靠谱,而我听说商学院还是希望学生都能赚大钱回馈学校啊。校友跟我说的是,美国人还是很相信所谓的gut feeling,只要你有梦想,去追逐就好了。当时听了还真是很欣慰啊。拿到录取后Michigan在北京有个两月一次的校友聚会,我又见到了面试我的校友,她告诉我说她对我的印象特别深刻,我想大概也就是我那非典型的理想和我在面试交流中散发出来的执着与热情吧。第二轮面试的Michigan和Berkeley我都发挥的很好,自信而有激情。
因此,放下一切思想包袱,天马星空的想想吧,去发掘真正的what matters most to you, and why。然后你才会更加明白自己活了二三十年为什么成为现在的你、你的性格特点、优缺点、向往什么样的人生和事业,进而想清楚你是否真的需要MBA。MBA申请的意义,首先是给了我们一个强迫自己去认识自己的良机,从这个意义上看,申请过程的意义远大于结果,到最后可能你发现自己不需要MBA了。从短期来看,读MBA在时间和金钱方面是个很大的投资,容不得你后悔;从长期来看,人活一辈子连自己都搞不明白岂不是白来世间走一回?
明白了what matters most to you, and why之后有两种可能性,一种是发现自己的生活和事业不需要MBA,那就赶紧去追去那样的生活吧,人各有志,适合自己的才是最好的,要做自己生活的主人,不要活在他人眼中,名和利神马都是浮云;一种是仍然认为需要MBA,下面讨论第二种情况。
这里的体会仍然是我拿到录取之后感悟到的……而这个感悟主要来自于我近期熟读“Stanford Admission Criteria”。多数学校的Admission Criteria都是泛泛的几小段空话,而神奇的Stanford竟然能把那么复杂深奥的道理讲得那么透彻,太让人佩服了!!!如果读者有耐心看到这里,那么就请你再耐心的读读下面“Stanford Admission Criteria”吧,最好能细细咀嚼三遍。后面来谈谈我的理解。
Stanford Admission Criteria
What Are We Really Looking for?
We're looking for outstanding individuals, and the very qualities that define you make the GSB a stimulating place to learn.
We recognize that what happens to your application after you submit it to Stanford may seem mysterious. It need not be. Here, we attempt to share with you what we consider when we evaluate applications.
As we build the class, we seek the most promising students in terms of intellectual distinction and professional merit. We base this judgment on the totality of information available. No single factor —whether your college performance, essay, test score, interview, letter of reference, or work experience—is decisive.
We consider each application holistically, and take into account factors such as your background, experiences, perspectives, fit with the GSB and its MBA Program, aspirations, values, and accomplishments.
We evaluate each applicant in the context of the application year and are guided especially by three primary admission criteria of intellectual vitality, demonstrated leadership potential, and personal qualities and contributions.
A few basic assumptions underlie our approach.
First, just as no two Stanford MBA students are the same, no two Stanford MBA applicants are the same either. This means we must pay careful attention to the particular circumstances of each applicant.
Second, we believe that past actions usually are the best predictor of future performance.
Third, we believe that how you have developed your talents is as important as what you have actually accomplished.
Fourth, while there is no single academic or professional background most suitable for the MBA Program, admitted candidates tend to have sound analytical skills and strong performance in managing programs, processes, or people.
And finally, we look for diversity in the MBA class because we believe that the GSB's collaborative educational process leverages students' diverse backgrounds to deliver a range of perspectives and approaches to real-world problems. We define diversity in the broadest possible terms, encompassing (but not limited to) educational and professional background, personal experiences and goals, culture, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and nationality.
We Evaluate All Applicants In Three Areas
Intellectual Vitality
One of the ideas or themes that is central in our minds as we evaluate an application is your intellectual vitality.
You can demonstrate this in many ways, not simply through grades and test scores. In other words, your attitude toward learning is as important as your aptitude.
Because the Stanford community believes in the power of ideas to shape the future, we want to see your passion, dedication, and genuine interest in expanding your intellectual horizons throughout your application.
We look for evidence of the kind of curiosity and passion that will allow you to spark a lively discussion in class and continue that conversation during coffee with a faculty member, walking back to the Schwab Residential Center with a classmate, or over dinner with alumni.
Another consideration is the initiative with which you seek out opportunities that enhance your knowledge. We want to understand your willingness to "suspend disbelief"—by mastering concepts that may not be immediately relevant to your intended career, to carve your path in ambiguous environments, and to support the School's goal of developing knowledge that deepens and advances the practice of management.
Demonstrated Leadership Potential
Another factor that is primary in our minds as we read your application is your demonstrated leadership potential.
In short, we try to understand your character and your professional competence.
Your personal character matters not only because integrity is the cornerstone of any academic community, but also because of the vast responsibility our society reposes in leaders of businesses and social-sector organizations.
As a result, we look for evidence of behaviors consistent with your ideals, even under difficult circumstances—a sort of directed idealism.
We want to understand your personal motivation and convictions, and your ability to confront complex, unfamiliar issues with good judgment.
We envision you defending your position with vigor and respect to a peer advocating a different view.
We also try to uncover the ways in which challenges to your beliefs may have changed some of your perspectives and reinforced others.
In understanding your competence, we look for both leadership experience and potential. In doing so, we don’t limit ourselves to your professional life. Neither should you. We look at your background for evidence of your impact on the people and organizations around you, and the impact of those experiences on you.
Learning about your activities, experiences, interests, and aspirations helps us discover your potential contributions to Stanford and to society.
We imagine you working with a group of students and faculty to design a new multi-disciplinary course on ethical issues in life sciences or leading the Principal Investing Conference.
We look for evidence of your desire to leave a legacy in the organizations you serve throughout your career, inspiring and motivating your colleagues.
We consider your awareness of what you do well and the areas in which you can improve; your group and interpersonal skills; and your commitment to utilizing fully your opportunities and available resources.
These qualities will help you to shape your own experience as a student, and will influence your ability to shape the future as an alumna or alumnus.
Personal Qualities and Contributions
A third major concept that we consider is the perspective that you bring to the Stanford community—your personal qualities and contributions.
In a world that often rewards conformity, the Stanford community thrives only when you share your individual experiences and perspectives.
As a result, the strongest applications we see are those in which your thoughts and voice remain intact.
To understand how you will contribute to and benefit from the Business School community, we want to know about you: your experiences, beliefs, your passions, your dreams, your goals. Will you revolutionize the Energy Conference, take the Global Management Program in a different direction, or be the dissenting voice in a classroom discussion?
Take time to reflect on who you are, and have confidence in yourself. We always remember that there is neither an "ideal" candidate nor a "typical" Stanford MBA student. You should remember this, too.
Yes, our community includes students who have pursued incomparable opportunities. This doesn't mean that something remarkable (either positive or negative) must have happened to you to be a strong candidate. In fact, most Stanford MBA students have excelled by doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. It is what you make of an experience that matters to us, not simply the experience itself.
- 申请的每个部分都重要:As we build the class, we seek the most promising students in terms of intellectual distinction and professional merit. We base this judgment on the totality of information available. No single factor —whether your college performance, essay, test score, interview, letter of reference, or work experience—is decisive. 听起来好像很简单,谁都知道啊,可是实际做起来,大家把绝大部分还是放在了essay上面,而对Resume、Interview、Recommendation重视相对不够。我就是因为之前对于简历重视不够,一是没有写出有深度的简历,二是没能更好的看待自己的价值从而写出更有深度的essay。在此,强烈建议读者找50篇以上顶级商学院学生的简历来泛读,不断修改自己的简历,然后将自己的简历和对申请的判断力实现从量变到质变的提高。当时对简历不重视还带来一个后果就是我虽然看了那个Harvard 65篇,可是启发却很少,现在回想起来,真正好的申请是在简历里就把自己的成就和价值罗列清楚,在essay中反而不需要太多惊天动地的大事情。Harvard 65篇里面基本也找不出特大的事情,当时我还纳闷怎么会录取这些人呢,现在我明白了,人家都是以小见大,essay主要是体现人的思想,你有了这个思想那么你在简历中那些成就就变得真实可信了。此外,申请的每个部分都重要的含义还包括你可以把intellectual vitality, demonstrated leadership potential, and personal qualities and contributions展现在每部分的申请材料中。比如学习能力过去我只理解为成绩,但其实也包括对待学习的态度和主动性,因此在我现在的简历里面,我就会写“在××离职后主动承担了××责任,达成了××成果”,等等很多类似的东西。总之要最大化的发挥每个申请部分的最大价值,比如写完简历后,对照intellectual vitality, demonstrated leadership potential, and personal qualities and contributions,看看是否能在简历中尽可能多的体现每个特质?你的某个成就是否印证了你的ability to confront complex, unfamiliar issues with good judgment?
- 没有所谓的典型申请人:We consider each application holistically, and take into account factors such as your background, experiences, perspectives, fit with the GSB and its MBA Program, aspirations, values, and accomplishments.just as no two Stanford MBA students are the same, no two Stanford MBA applicants are the same either. This means we must pay careful attention to the particular circumstances of each applicant.And finally, we look for diversity in the MBA class because we believe that the GSB's collaborative educational process leverages students' diverse backgrounds to deliver a range of perspectives and approaches to real-world problems. We define diversity in the broadest possible terms, encompassing (but not limited to) educational and professional background, personal experiences and goals, culture, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and nationality.商学院都注重diversity,因此你需要关注的不是你来自于什么行业,而是你在行业中是不是优秀,你能否实现你的鸿鹄之志。当我读了HARVARD 50多篇简历后,我深刻体会到diversity啊!
- 对于学习能力的要求,学习态度和学习能力一样重要:You can demonstrate this in many ways, not simply through grades and test scores. In other words, your attitude toward learning is as important as your aptitude.主动性是学习态度的体现,这个可以在Essay、Resume、Interview、Recommendation等各个层面上体现。
- 有关领导力,经历和潜力都重要:In understanding your competence, we look for both leadership experience and potential. In doing so, we don’t limit ourselves to your professional life. Neither should you. We look at your background for evidence of your impact on the people and organizations around you, and the impact of those experiences on you. Stanford列举了很多种具体的表现,仔细读读,必有几款适合你。此外,除了leadership experience还有leadership potential,所以we believe that how you have developed your talents is as important as what you have actually accomplished. We consider your awareness of what you do well and the areas in which you can improve; your group and interpersonal skills; and your commitment to utilizing fully your opportunities and available resources. 对自己优缺点的清晰自我认识和在申请中展示,也能体现leadership potential。
- Personal Qualities and Contributions
In a world that often rewards conformity, the Stanford community thrives only when you share your individual experiences and perspectives. As a result, the strongest applications we see are those in which your thoughts and voice remain intact.
To understand how you will contribute to and benefit from the Business School community, we want to know about you: your experiences, beliefs, your passions, your dreams, your goals. Take time to reflect on who you are, and have confidence in yourself. We always remember that there is neither an "ideal" candidate nor a "typical" Stanford MBA student. You should remember this, too.
Yes, our community includes students who have pursued incomparable opportunities. This doesn't mean that something remarkable (either positive or negative) must have happened to you to be a strong candidate. In fact, most Stanford MBA students have excelled by doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. It is what you make of an experience that matters to us, not simply the experience itself.
- 总之,任何一个申请材料都能体现你多方面的能力,要充分利用每一个表达自己的机会和途径。要对自己有足够的自我探索和认识,然后把这些贯穿到每个申请材料的部分中:Essay、Resume、Interview、Recommendation。关于Essay和Recommendation,斯坦福都有非常精辟的阐述,大家可以去仔细读读和体会。
- The_Best_Business_Schools'_Admissions_Secrets(2008)
- Your_MBA_Game_Plan-Proven_Strategies_for_Top_B-Schools(2003)
- 简历:HARVARD, Wharton简历,有几十上百篇吧
- 65_Successful_HARVARD_Application_Essays_2nd(2009)
- Great_Application_Essays_for_Business_School(2006)
- 语法:专业培训机构出版的培训参考书一本(1天,只看讲解部分,搭建理论框架);PREP破解版语法注释分析(2天);GWD-TN-24套题模考(时间另外计算,请看后面的时间总结)。
- 逻辑:专业培训机构出版的培训参考书一本(1天,只看讲解部分,搭建理论框架);GWD-TN-24套题模考(时间另外计算,请看后面的时间总结)。
- 阅读:专业培训机构出版的培训参考书一本(1天,只看讲解部分,搭建理论框架);GWD-TN-24套题模考(时间另外计算,请看后面的时间总结)。
- 数学:GMAT数学术语.ppt(CD可以下载)和大致看看OG。共计1天。
- 作文:自己做一个适合自己的模板,1天,根据机经挑几篇练习1天。
- 培训参考书,语法、阅读、逻辑各一本:共计3天
- PREP破解版语法注释分析:2天
- GWD-TN-24套题模考:每天4套,共计6天,使用计时器,CD网站上有
- 数学:GMAT数学术语.ppt(CD可以下载)和大致看看OG,共计1天。
- 作文:做模板1天,根据机经挑几篇练习1天,共计2天
- 机经:建议花3天好好研究(涵盖大部分数学难题、大部分阅读的文章概要。逻辑也有些题,语法有一点)
- 关于模考软件:GWD+计时器已经很好了。如果需要熟悉机考界面,可以模考一次官方GMATPrep,时间忽略不计,哈哈
#####时间共计:3+2+6+1+2+3= 17天####
备注:前提是备考中要集中精力全力以赴,否则备考周期会拖得很长。考虑到咱们大家基本都是在念书或者工作的,每周周末算2天,周一到周五的5个晚上加起来算1天,这样一周是3天。17除以3差不多是 ##### 6周 #####
TOEFL iBT 111--两周备考经验谈
2007年9月稀里糊涂的考过一次TOEFL iBT: 总分98 (Reading 28, Listening 23, Speaking 22, Writing 25)
2010年上半年考完GMAT之后,用两周准备TOEFL iBT。2007年考的真的完全忘记了,记得的只是分数给自己的压力,因为听说HARVARD的TOEFL iBT分数线是109。
- Test Date: July 10, 2010
- Total: 111
- Reading 29 Listening 29 Speaking 24 Writing 29
使用的资料:OG,TPO 1-15(TPO都是过去考过的真题),王京竹机经
- 阅读:时间紧迫,只做了OG。阅读比较简单,大家结合实际情况可以再适当做一点TPO。
- 听力:OG,TPO 1-8。听力应该是TOEFL iBT的核心,建议大家有空把TPO都做完,听说后面的TPO比较难一些。
- 口语:OG,王京竹机经
- 写作:OG,王京竹机经
两周下来,边工作边复习(外加写MBA workshop作业,哈哈)还是觉得时间很不够用。如果再多两周也许可以更好,可是时间也是成本啊,这个分数自己已经满意了。对我来说,基本上阅读和听力就是练习的结果。口语方面,上次考的时候没有练习过也得了22,这次看过机经也只有24,我自己感觉还是练习的太少,因为只是扫过一眼口语机经题目,当时就没想好该怎么回答,结果考试碰到了还是没发挥好(唯一的遗憾啊)。写作方面一直是我的弱项,因为我一直不擅长写作文,侃大山,GMAT也只有5分;这次多亏了机经,大作文我看了看范文,范文选的例子我一看就觉得有话说,所以考试时发挥得很好。