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Standford MBA介绍及申请分析

本文标签:Standford MBA介绍及申请分析
摘要:根据2012US NEWS最新的排名,斯坦福大学商学院(Graduate School of Business)和哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)的MBA并列排名全美MBA第一。


一、 斯坦福MBA概况
根据2012US NEWS最新的排名,斯坦福大学商学院(Graduate School of Business)和哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)的MBA并列排名全美MBA第一。斯坦福大学商学院强调开创新科技新企业的“小企业精神”,培养的是“穿T恤衫”的新一代小企业家,硅谷最老资格的高科技公司惠普的两位创始人就是斯坦福的毕业生,而在电子商业中叱咤风云的雅虎网站也是由斯坦福毕业生创办的。在就业方面,毕业生中有百分之十以上的人在毕业后就立即创办了自己的公司,其中大部分和新兴的电子商业相关,另外其他主要的就业方向就是投行、咨询或者像Google, Apple, IBM这类型的科技公司。
二、 斯坦福MBA历年录取情况
2012年斯坦福MBA总共收到7204份申请,录取了其中389人,录取率为5%,被录取者中国际生占37%,约144人。根据在读生的反馈,2012年入学的总共有11个中国大陆人,包括两个在美国录取的中国国籍申请者,其余9个是在本土申请的,另外还有3名台湾同胞,与以往数目差不多。入读的学生的背景多样,有finance,consulting,healthcare,IT, media,entrepreneurship,family business,咨询最多,其次是金融(包括四大),这两类占90%左右。
从统计数据来看,这几年的被录取者的工作行业都主要集中在Consumer Products, Investment Management, Consulting, Non-profit和High Tech五个领域。这些统计数据并不是说明从事其他行业的申请者不能够成功申请,而是说明从事这些行业的人们比较多会考虑去读MBA,并且要想在这些行业有进一步的发展,读MBA很有必要。
Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why?
The best examples of Essay 1 reflect the process of self-examination that you have undertaken to write them.
They give us a vivid and genuine image of who you are—and they also convey how you became the person you are.
They do not focus merely on what you've done or accomplished. Instead, they share with us the values, experiences, and lessons that have shaped your perspectives.
They are written from the heart and address not only a person, situation, or event, but also how that person, situation, or event has influenced your life.
Essay 2: What do you want to do—REALLY—and why Stanford?
Use this essay to explain your view of your future, not to repeat accomplishments from your past.
You should address three distinct topics:
your career aspirations
the role of an MBA education in achieving those aspirations
and your rationale for earning that MBA at Stanford, in particular.
The best examples of Essay 2 express your passions or focused interests; explain why you have decided to pursue graduate education in management; and demonstrate your desire to take advantage of the opportunities that are distinctive to the Stanford MBA Program.
Essay 3: Answer two of the four questions below. Tell us not only what you did but also how you did it. What was the outcome? How did people respond? Only describe experiences that have occurred during the last three years.
Option A: Tell us about a time when you built or developed a team whose performance exceeded expectations.
Option B: Tell us about a time when you made a lasting impact on your organization.
Option C: Tell us about a time when you generated support from others for an idea or initiative.
Option D: Tell us about a time when you went beyond what was defined or established.
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