一.Important Notes for Applicants
The Computer Science department wishes to attract outstanding applicants. Before beginning the application process, we ask that you note several items intended to improve your overall experience. 我们试图录取最优秀的学生来学习计算机专业。
•Our application process is entirely electronic; the department will no longer accept paper documents for any part of the application.
•Recommendations must be submitted by letter writers via the electronic recommendation system prior to submission of the application. This is necessary for your application to be “review-ready” when you click Submit.
•Applicants should order electronic reporting of test results from ETS and also upload copies of test reports with their online application. This duplication safeguards against delays in reporting by the testing agencies.
申请者不仅要请求ETS 尽快送分,更要上传成绩单,已加快申请的处理。
•Transcripts, the Statement of Purpose, and the curriculum vitæ should also be uploaded by the applicant as part of the Graduate School's online application process.
成绩单,个人陈述,CV 应在网申中上传。
•Documents not required by the department, the Graduate School, or the university for admissions purposes should not be uploaded. This includes certificates, secondary school grade reports, financial and bank affidavits (pre-admission), passport photocopies, medical information, or letters of employment.
二.Applying 关于申请
Applications are submitted electronically to the Graduate School.
International student application deadlines are
◦Fall admission: January 1 国际学生只有秋季入学,截止日期是1月1日。
Applications are not processed until all of the following items have been received:
•Graduate School online application
•Transcripts or academic record
•Recent scores for the GRE General Tests
•Statement of Purpose
•Curriculum vitæ or resume (optional, but highly recommended)
•Letters of Recommendation
•Recent TOEFL or IELTS scores
Statement of Purpose
Applicants are requested to write a statement of purpose of approximately 500 words in length, addressing the following points:
•Highlights of your qualifications
•Reasons for seeking a graduate degree in Computer Science
•Why you chose to apply to N.C. State
Curriculum vitæ
A curriculum vitæ or CV is a convenient summary of your accomplishments. We encourage you to upload a two-page CV, along with other application materials, as this can be very helpful in evaluating an applicant. The contents of the CV may include: 简历中应该包括学历,荣誉,研究经历和出版物,工作经历,有意义的项目,社工服务等,简历不可以替代个人陈述。
•degrees earned (institution, major, date, GPA)
•honors/awards received
•research experience and publications
•significant projects
A curriculum vitæ does not substitute for a statement of purpose.
Letters of Recommendation推荐信
Three recommendations are required. These should be prepared by persons qualified to evaluate the applicant's potential to succeed in graduate studies in Computer Science. Letters from professors in Computer Science or a closely related discipline who have supervised the student in a class or research are the most relevant.
Recommendations are submitted electronically by references you designate as part of the online application process. The Online Recommendation Submission Center and the applicant-managed Recommendation Provider List (which has both request and reminder functions), make it possible for references to submit their recommendations before you submit your application.
三.Deferral of Admission 延期入学
Students admitted to graduate study at N.C. State may request deferral of their admission by either 1 or 2 semesters, by contacting csc_gradadmissions@ncsu.edu . This request must be made at least two weeks in advance of the semester for which admission was granted. The request should make clear in what semester the applicant wishes to begin enrollment.