College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Graduate Study
Computer Science - Master of Science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Graduate Study
Computer Science - Master of Science
In addition to meeting the requirements of the university and of the College of Engineering, students must meet the requirements specified below. 申请者要满足以下条件
Applicants for admission should possess a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field such as mathematics, physics, or electrical engineering. All applicants must submit their scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test. They must also submit their scores from the GRE Subject Test in Computer Science or a closely related field.
Requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Computer Science
The student must complete a total of 30 credits for the degree under either Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis) and meet the requirements specified below:
Requirements for Both Plan A and Plan B:
The student must complete:
1. At least one semester of a graduate seminar.
2. A minimum of 20 credits in 800–900 level courses, excluding Computer Science and Engineering 890.
Additional Requirements for Plan A:
The student must complete:
1. At least one course from each of the following groups of courses:
a. Computer Science and Engineering 802, 803, 841. Computer Science and Engineering 845 and 846 combined may be substituted for one of those courses.
b. Computer Science and Engineering 807, 808, 814, 880.
c. Computer Science and Engineering 812, 820, 822, 838.
d. Computer Science and Engineering 830, 835, 860, 862.
2. At least 6, but not more than 8, credits of CSE 899 Master's Thesis Research.
Additional Requirements for Plan B:
The student must complete one of the following two options:
1. A minimum of 30 credits in courses approved by the student's academic advisor.
2. Complete the following:
a. At least one course from each of the following groups of courses:
I. Computer Science and Engineering 802, 803, 841. Computer Science and Engineering 845 and 846 combined may be substituted for one of those courses.
II. Computer Science and Engineering 807, 808, 814, 880.
III. Computer Science and Engineering 812, 820, 822, 838.
IV. Computer Science and Engineering 830, 835, 860, 862.
b. A supervised project while enrolled in 4 credits of Computer Science and Engineering 898.
- 完成网上申请表格
- 准备个人陈述
- 通过Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express或者电子支票缴纳50美元申请费
- 高中、大学(如果有)或者考试主办方提供的成绩报告单、文凭、证书的原件或经学校证明的副本。如果原始文件语言不是英语,所有材料都要求提供正式的英文翻译件
- 如果大学期间完成学分少于28个学分,则需提供高中学习的官方成绩单
- 出具财产证明和银行对账单。(此表是申请表的一部分)账户持有人姓名必须以英文列示
- 如果你的母语不是英语,需递交英语水平证明,托福(TOEFL)、雅思( IELTS)、学术水平测试(SAT)、密歇根州立大学英语测试(MSUELT)或密歇根州英语测评(MELAB)均可,由考试机构直接寄送给我校。托福(TOEFL)和学术水平测试(SAT)中我校代码为1465。我们鼓励参加了学术水平测试(SAT)的国际学生提交成绩,因为它有助于我们判定学生学习能力并相应安排数学和英文写作课程。选择考试日期时,请注意从你提交寄送要求到我校招生办公室(Office of Admissions)收到并记录成绩需要一个月甚至更长的时间
- 除非我校招生办公室(Office of Admissions)要求,请不要寄送推荐信、照片、文件或额外的个人陈述给我们。否则会延长你申请的处理时间
- 网络考试:成绩不低于79分,听、说、读、写各部分成绩不低于17分
- 纸版考试:成绩不低于550分,听、说、读、写各部分成绩不低于52分
- 网络考试:成绩介于45至78分之间
- 纸版考试:成绩介于450至549分之间
- 成绩不低于6.5分
- 英语部分成绩不低于18分
- 平均分不低于80分并且各部分不低于80分
- or
- 或,平均分不低于85分并且各部分不低于78分
- 平均分在60到79分之间
- 成绩不低于4分
- 平均分不低于80分
- 从2009年1月1日开始,参加MELAB考试的国际学生必须完成MELAB口语测试。